
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Thai politics and the Monarchy

I am inclined to tell my friends to boycott visiting Thailand now. Not that I think the Thais as a whole need penalty for the mob rule of the PAD activists and their supporters. But the latter are now the clear winners of the political instability, even temporarily. These are hidden dictators who have to resort to hostaging ALL incoming and out-going visitors and businessmen to and from Bangkok airport, to pursue their political objectives, no matter how noble or mundane these could be.

The political "victors" will now rule Thailand. And they will call for "national unity" and "heal the wounds" -- after they hostaged and inconvenienced hundreds of thousands of foreign visitors and locals? Such hypocrisy deserves some penalty. Now they will inherit a limping Thai economy with up to a million jobs lost perhaps, in tourism, international trade and related sectors.

Here at home, I do not support our current President. She's probably as dirty and corrupt as the 2-decades ruling Marcos dictatorship that was toppled in 1986. But if some fellow anti-President activists will call for a big mobilization against her and occupy Manila international airport, I will never join. And if the pro-administration police will disperse and whack the activists, I will cheer up and support the police.

People's right to mobility and travel is non-negotiable. Activists can rally and demonstrate anywhere they want -- the President's palace, the parliament house, various public plazas, etc., fine. But NEVER an international airport.

Now if it's indeed the Monarchy who backed up the PAD demonstrators and told the police and military not to disperse the rallyists for cripping the international airport, or the King's family was directly involved in the recent shameful political acts, I wish that this will be exposed and be understood by the Thai people. Then they may take a second look at the kind of reverence and respect they give unto him.

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