
Monday, August 08, 2011

Responsible parenthood cannot be legislated, Part 5

These are my twitter notes on the Reproductive Health (RH) and Responsible Parenthood (RP) bill between July 20 to 29, 2011. My debate actually with some of the guys mentioned here.

@cesdrilon @risahontiveros Rename RH bill into "RH Liberalization Act of 2011." No? Not liberalization? Then call it "RH Minimization Act".

@pinoygossipboy @PawieSharpei Social & pol. planning, econ & ecological planning, rural & urban planning, soon fam planning by d state, wow.

@indayevarona @ruffybiazon Educ, healthcare, housing, AR, credit , irrig. for the poor, now CCT for the poor, soon condoms for the poor.

@seclaudio @newsbreak_ph RH bill says govt responsib bigger than parental responsib, State cant substit parental respon

@I_amHolo @risahontiveros I counted 12 sections of RH bill that explicitly say spend-spend-spend and imply tax-tax-tax,

@risahontiveros @newsbreak_ph @seclaudio No Risa, RH bill says tax-tax-tax bec govt will spend-spend-spend for population control policies

@newsbreak_ph @seclaudio See 2 charts fr The Economist mag, Parental decision will prevail over govt fam. planning

@jonasbagas China spent big time on popn control, see bad result, projectns from UN, Wholl take care of oldies, robots?

@risahontiveros @newsbreak_ph @RepLuzIlagan Taxpayers shd fund free educ, healthcare, housng, AR, credit, CCT, condoms, pills for d poor wow

@risahontiveros @newsbreak_ph @RepLuzIlagan Too many planners. They want more money fr our pockets so they can plan d family of other people

@newsbreak_ph Thnx. Here, China spent big time on popn control, bad result. Who'll take care of oldies, robots, commies?

@meGEMSON @newsbreak_ph "tama na pagiging makasarili" -- sige, kunin nyo lahat pera namin, panggastos sa popn control policies nyo. hooray!

@pmella @risahontiveros @newsbreak_ph @RepLuzIlagan Yes, free cars, yachts for d poor, provided they shd take free condoms, pills & ligation

@Jimparedes When d poor work hard to feed their fam, govt shd not impose too many bureaucracies, taxes, fees, fines & penalties vs d poor.

@newsbreak_ph Govt imposes many taxes & bureaucracies for d industrious. When people become poor, more taxes to control population of d poor

@seclaudio CBCP lobbied for religious educ in pub sch? Equally horrible. I criticize RH bill w/ zero reference to CBCP. My pts purely econ.

@seclaudio Had a looong debate in fb re RH bill w/ econ arguments, ProRH have zero ans on costs of the bill. U have it?

@senmiriam If you can provide numbers re cost of RH bill, great. Most if not all pro-RH have zero ans to it, see, thanks

@seclaudio At P300 B per yr ave budget deficit, where do u stop proposing new spending when old spending proven ineffective & corrupted?

@seclaudio "spending massively for social services as prelude to econ take-off" Really, even if money wasted or stolen? moral hazards prob?

@seclaudio "This money can be raised several ways" Govt can easily find money? Then why borrow P300B/yr on ave? Pub debt near P5 trillion.

@seclaudio "deficit per se not bad" Why is govt sounding off new taxes soon to finance deficit? Endless borrowing to finance def is wrong.

@seclaudio Educ, health, housing, agri, pub works, MRT/jeep fuel subsidy for d poor, now CCT for d poor, soon condoms & ligation for d poor.

@seclaudio If we encourage more personal & household responsibility in running people's lives, then most "govt responsib" unnecessary.

@tweetnirizal @sagadasun Responsible parenthood cannot be legislated, Been asking d cost of #RHBILL, got zero reply.

@SagadaSun @tweetnirizal Pathetic to consider d poor as baggage to be fed, clothed, shelterd. People are workers, entrepreneurs, taxpayers.

@SagadaSun @tweetnirizal More dangerous is fiscal irresponsib. US govt debt crisis now. RP govt deficit P300B/yr on ave. More debt for RH?

@SagadaSun @richard_cairo @tweetnirizal My critique of #RHBILLis mainly econ, zero religious reason,, see 2 charts,

@SagadaSun @tweetnirizal Sex Ed, gender equality, etc shd be electives, not mandatory. Studnts good at sex subjectss but idiot in sci & math

@SagadaSun Good to hear you're miniarchist too, cheers. Reduce d role of d state, reduce central planning, incl planning d households.

@SagadaSun #RHBILL is central planning in popn. How many condoms & pills to buy, how many midwives to hire, how many maternity hosp to build

@SagadaSun Optimum popn size to be dictated by d state? If a household will exceed that "optimum" size, d state will penalize it?

@SagadaSun "no GOVT MONOPOLY on Sex Ed or RH", good. Keep that way, don' create new monopoly, new central planning, new taxes to financ them

@SagadaSun D state will determine what's "microecon efficiency at the family level"? Thats central, top to bottom planning.

@SagadaSun When d poor want to work hard to feed fam., state shd not impose endless bureaucracies, taxes, fees & fines that penalize d poor

@SagadaSun "you shouldn't make more babies than you can reasonably feed. govt can impose this" Thats central planning. Impose & control.

@SagadaSun How d state penalize d poor who want to stand on their own and not rely on state & politicians patronage,

@SagadaSun I have a feeling #RHBILL to become a law. UN, WB, ADB, USAID, Congress, etc. money poured on that bill. Its a BIG govt project

@SagadaSun The State declares: whether u support #RHBILL or not, you pay lots of taxes for its implementation. That's "free choice"?

@SagadaSun "argument that big pharma interests are behind the RHBILL" where did this come from? I mentioned zero about Pharma.

@SagadaSun Central planning: State centralizes buying pills, injectibles, maternity lab eqpt, hiring new midwives, new sex ed teachers, etc

@SagadaSun "Isn't it Catholic Church that is guilty of "central planning"" I have zero sympathy for Cath church position on RH.

@SagadaSun "congruence bet "central planning" argument against RHBILL & Catholic Church practice!" I have zero sympathy for Church argument

@SagadaSun "Govt will sell condoms, pills and IUDS" Nope. Govt does not sell those, it gives out free, by confiscating our mo

@SagadaSun "Private Hospitals be banned from buying lab eqpt?" They can, they'll charge patients, they wont get fr our pockets by force, tax

@SagadaSun "same choice bet private & public sch for our children" No. Even if u send kids to priv sch, u still pay for pub sch, u pay twice

@SagadaSun I say for d 3rd time. I have zero, even neg. sympathy for church position on RH, why keep mentioning it in your debate w/ me?

@SagadaSun "Why arent 100% of patients in free govt hosp?" Bec people see wastes & bad serv in govt hosp, they pay extra to go to priv hosp.

@SagadaSun Then show why #RHBILL isnt central planning, zero need to mention church. I argue RH is central planning proj in popn by BIG govt

SagadaSun "govt doing Central Planning of Hosp" Yes, some central planning in health. Those who over-drink, over-smoke, we pay in govt hosp

@SagadaSun Central planning is social engg. Those who over-drink, over-eat, over-fight, dont take care of their body, will be treated.

In my debate with the pro-RH groups, there are three things that I notice.

1. You ask them how much the bill will cost, initial year and succeeding years, you will get two types of reply. One is silence, no answer; and two is a rhetorical answer like "No one was asking how much it would cost when provisions for free elementary and high school education were included in it. How much are teen pregnancies, abortions and deaths of pregnant women costing us?" See Part 4, July 21, 2011.

2. You keep asking more questions, they answer how arrogant or insensitive the Catholic Church is. Even if you argue that your stand on the bill has zero reference, zero sympathy, for the Church position, they still think you are a mindless supporter of the church dogma.

3. And if you question this bill as another central planning project by the state, they will not dispel such argument, and lash back again at the church as a model of central planning. Maybe if they hate Bill Gates or Henry Sy or the Ayalas, they will also mention these guys as "model of central planning." They have difficulty focusing on the issue at hand and resort to diversionary arguments.

See also Part 3, May 22, 2011,

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