
Monday, November 04, 2019

5 years ago in Hong Kong with LRI and Cathy

These two photos popped up in my fb feeds today, Memories 5 years ago, November 4, 2014. That day, the Lion Rock Institute held its Reading Club Salon 2014 at a hotel (I forget its name now) in Hong Kong.

Standing from left: Lawrence Pak, Nick Sallnow-Smith, Kellie Wong, Fred McMahon, Barun Mitra, Brett Smith, Peter Wong, Nic Koehl, Jadranco Brkik, Xingyuan Feng.
Sitting from left: _____, Ken Schoolland, Bill Stacey, Shoulong Mao, me.

Then that evening, we were treated to a welcoming dinner by Catherine Barr Windels, then President of The Policy Workshop (NYC).  We have a full day meeting seminar the next day about IPR, health and innovation, same hotel. Time flies fast, now I don't see (from right) Xingyuan Feng, Shoulong Mao, and Barun Mitra. And now HK is no longer as peaceful.

I saw Wan Saiful Wan Jan (next to me) and Cathy last September 2017 in NYC. And I saw Kim Byung-Il (between Wan and Cathy) in Jeju Forum May of this year. Thanks again Cathy, for that wonderful evening and forum the next day.

Another photo from Xingyuan that day. Xingyuan, Shoulong, me and Peter Wong.

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