
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Photos, IPRI 2019 launching in Singapore

Late post, photos during the International Property Rights Index (IPRI) 2019 launching at Singapore Management University (SMU), School of Law, last October 22, 2019. The event was locally sponsored by the Adam Smith Center (ADC) Singapore, the first free market think tank in that city-state.

From left: Donovan Choy, me, Dr. Linda Low, Dr. Sary Levy, Lorenzo Montanari, Bryan Cheang, and Dr. Chandra Kukathas. Donovan and Bryan are from the ADC

See also: 
Photos, IPRI 2019 launching in Manila, Oct. 16, October 27, 2019 
Photos, IPRI 2019 launching in KL, Oct. 19, October 29, 2019 
Photos, IPRI 2019 launching in Jakarta, November 06, 2019

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