
Thursday, August 08, 2024

Deindustrialization 25, Jobless non-growth in Germany and UK

We often hear or read the term "jobless growth." People who often use that term should see these charts. That term is an oxymoron while this "jobless non-growth" is real.

And not only Germany, also the UK. Preoccupied with save the planet, save the illegal immigrants, save Ukraine, save DEI. But cannot save their own economies from degrowth and deindustrialization.

Charts source: Trading Economics

The PH has jobs-creating growth. And it's real.


See also:
Deindustrialization 22, EVs impracticality, Energizing growth series, December 19, 2023
Deindustrialization 23, Germany economic decline, January 14, 2024

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