
Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Ukraine War 10, US leaving NATO?

I saw this tweet today and I support it. Warsaw Pact by the USSR was disbanded in 1991, NATO should have been disbanded too, or at least not expanded. NATO has been moving towards Russia doorstep from 1999-2024.

Estimated flying time of NATO missiles to Moscow: from Germany about 12 minutes, from Poland about 8 minutes, from Ukraine about 4  minutes. Hence Ukr in NATO became a "redline" for RU. US out of NATO will force Europeans to focus on peace and trade, not war and missiles, with RU.

Thesis not "appease Russia." Just "stop war with Russia".
Whether UKr-RU, UK-RU, US-RU, etc. Just no war with Russia, and China, etc. No war.

Jeffrey Sachs has a good timeline. He said that the current war in Ukraine started in 1990, when former US Secretary James Baker said to USSR leader Mikhail Gorbachev -- We stop NATO expansion in exchange for German unification. Gorbi said Yes. And he added to Bush Sr something like -- We disband Warsaw Pact, you also disband NATO. Or at least not move NATO even one inch to the east. 

Warsaw Pact was disbanded, gone, evaporated, in 1991. But NATO continued, and expanded. Both agreements with Baker, agreement with Bush Sr., not followed.

Jeffrey Sachs also quoted repeatedly former Sec Henry Kissinger observation,
"To be enemy of the US is dangerous. But to be allied with the US is fatal."
Now happening in Ukr under Biden, initiated by Bush Sr, continued by Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama.
Meaning, countries should try to be neutral with US, in the process neutral with any US enemy.

It seems that the ultimate goal of NATO is to attack Russia and have regime change there. Putin once said, "we wanted to be a member of NATO". Practical. NATO will therefore "defend" from nothing as Russia becomes an ally. But NATO said No, then expanded to Estonia, Latvia, neighbor with RU. 

NATO cannot be disbanded by the US or any country. It has to be a collective decision by all members to disband NATO. So the next best thing for the US is to leave NATO. And dedicate zero US troop to defend Ukr border, Poland border, Germany border, etc. US troops should focus on defending US border. Plain and simple.


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