
Monday, August 22, 2016

Pres. Duterte and UNexit

President Duterte was on global news again yesterday, wow. And again, for the wrong reason. 

UNexit. What a parochial, onion-skinned mind.

"I do not want to insult you. But maybe we'll just have to decide to separate from the United Nations," he said.
"If you are that rude, we might just as well leave," he said.

"So take us out of your organisation. You have done nothing. Where were you here the last time? Never. Except to criticise," he said.
Mr Duterte said the UN should refund its contribution "so we can go out".

Mr Duterte said the UN had been unable to combat hunger and terrorism and had failed to end the killing of civilians in Iraq and Syria.

Sige pa, President Digong (Pgong), open your mouth more about foreign affairs and (non) diplomacy. :-) 

I am no fan of the UN in its climate alarmism drama and racket. But in enforcing international rule of law regarding territorial disputes, settling big differences between or among countries in a peaceful manner, I support the UN. Our membership there is useful and important for us.

I can understand the torment that PH diplomats suffer out there abroad. Pgong's mind and mouth is so unstable and unpredictable. Ang bilis mapikon eh, parang bata batuta. Tough job defending or sanitizing his statements.

"You now, United Nations, if you can say one bad thing about me, I can give 10 [about you]. I tell you, you are [useless]. Because if you are really true to your mandate, you could have stopped all these wars and killings."

Somehow Pgong is correct here. The UN is busy with so many non-core functions like climate alarmism and "save the planet", and endless welfarism like MDGs, SDGs. Its core function, its raison d'etre why it was formed after WW2, has been heavily diluted. So that it has little resources left for settling territorial and cultural/ethnic disputes between or among countries.

We have to thank the UN through its Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). The PH governent panel won over China, we got lots of foreign support and diplomatic sympathy vs. China there. 

See also:
The PH drugs war, part 2, July 27, 2016

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