
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Agri Econ 40, Food inflation higher than overall inflation

In many countries, their overall inflation rate is lower than food inflation. This is also happening in the Philippines. Below, Philippines overall monthly inflation rate the past 5 years, peak of 8.7% and 8.6% in January-February 2023.

But Philippines food inflation, peak were 10.7% and 10.8% in January-February 2023. 
For April-May 2024, overall inflation rates were 3.8% and 3.9%; food inflation rates were 6.0% and 5.8%.

On average, food inflation is about 2% higher than overall inflation. Food supply is not keeping up with food demand and it is reflected in prices. 

Philippines need to take and encourage more corporate farming, stop the endless forced and redistribution via endless, no time table agrarian reform.

See also:
Agri Econ 37, Sri Lanka food catastrophe, July 15, 2022

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