Sunday, November 30, 2008

"Atlas Shrugged" popularization winners

Two bad news in Asia this week -- the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, that killed more than 170 people (really sad!), and the take-over by PAD demonstrators of Bangkok international airport, cancelling all international flights. In pursuit of political power, or in revenge of any political repression, people can be irrational and become violent. Big government in many countries around the world is really evil. Those who were previously oppressed would want to use the big and coercive instruments of government to perpetuate a new round of inefficiencies, if not violence.

But have 2 good news -- 2 institutes won the Atlas Economic Research Foundation and Ayn Rand Institute's "Atlas Shrugged" popularization project. I congratulate Barun Mitra and Mohit Satyanand of Liberty Institute, India, and Wan saiful Wan of Malaysia Think Tank (MTT), London. Their institutes will receive $10,000 each.

Details at

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