Friday, June 21, 2024

Energy 177, Coal and industrialization

See deindustrialization and declining electricity production of UK compared to CN and VN.

Wind power in Europe, capacity increased from 216.6 GW in 2020 to 232.5 GW in 2021, and 251.8 GW in 2022. But actual wind generation decreased from 513.0 TWH in 2020 to 500.4 TWH in 2021, recovered to 554.5 TWH in 2022. Why the decline in actual generation in 2021 despite expansion in GW capacity?

Lack of wind in 2021, up to 2024 actually compared to 2019-2020. Showed in this chart, accumulated cyclone energy (ACE), 1972 to May 2024. I think ACE is computed as (number of tropical storms) x (wind speed) in a year.

So this chart shows that claims of (1) "storms are getting stronger", and (b) wind generation will keep rising as more wind turbines are built, are not true, are lies. Dishonest claims to sustain the climate alarmism movement.


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