Saturday, September 07, 2024

Twitter notes: Vivek Ramaswamy

I like these tweets from Vivek Ramaswamy, @VivekGRamaswamy. Late August to September 2024. Enjoy.


Aug 29

I don't think Kamala is actually an ideologue. She's another cog in a system, just like Biden. We don't just want to defeat a candidate. We want to defeat a broken system.



Aug 30

We don't want to replace the left-wing nanny state with a right-wing nanny state. We want to SHUT IT DOWN.


Kamala’s interview last night was a reminder that we’re not running against a candidate. We’re running against a *system*. They require a candidate they can control, which means having original ideas is a disqualification. That’s exactly why we get Biden, then Kamala, and so on.


Aug 31

The problem isn’t that most politicians are too “ideological.” It’s that they’re not ideological *enough*. I respect someone who disagrees with me & truly believes it, rather than someone who agrees with me but lacks conviction.


Sep 3

When you stop talking to people who disagree with you, it becomes a lot easier to demonize them.


If you’re a single-issue voter on the economy, Kamala’s proposed tax on *unrealized* capital gains is  a good reason on its own not to vote for her - and Republicans should be hammering this point much harder. Under Kamala’s plan, if you have an asset that the government says has appreciated by $1 million in value, you’ll owe $250,000 in taxes - even if you don’t want to sell it, and even if you *can’t* sell it.


That means you’ll be forced sell assets at fire sale prices even when you don’t want to sell, which depresses asset prices, which in turn spirals like a domino effect - because others are forced to sell those same assets at the same time.  There’s no better way to trigger a market crash & economic depression, and startup founders will have to refocus their already-scarce bandwidth on esoteric tax planning instead of focusing on business growth.


Sure, they say the tax will initially only apply to people with a net worth of over $100 million, but the truth is a market crash and its effects will hurt ordinary Americans the most. And history shows that any new tax that begins with the so-called “ultra-wealthy” eventually finds its way to affect those who would never imagine describing themselves as such. Kamala’s megadonors will be able to pay expensive tax accountants to structure around it anyway, but it’ll be everyday citizens left holding the bag.


Sept. 4


* Kamala has attempted to *legislatively enact* single-payer healthcare, a ban on fracking, and a tax on unrealized capital gains. The party line that “she doesn’t favor that stuff anymore” isn’t just dishonest, it reveals that she’s really a cog in a bigger machine..


* Kamala Harris was one of the strongest proponents for a ban on fracking — so much so that when she was in California, she sued the OBAMA administration over granting fracking permits.


She didn't just favor the abolition of private health insurance — she was a CO-SPONSOR of the bill with Bernie Sanders for Medicare For All.


She said she would end the filibuster in the Senate to ram through the Green New Deal.


Sept. 5


I miss the country where we can disagree like hell & still get together for dinner at the end of it.


Millennials have every reason to be cynical. Our government started the Iraq War under false pretenses, bailed out the big banks, ran up the national debt, and told millions of 18-year-olds that college loans were their ticket to the American Dream.

But we can’t afford to be jaded. America is still the last best hope that we have.


Sept. 6


The U.S. isn't just an "economic zone," it's a nation bound by civic ideals. Our immigration policies should purposefully select for immigrants who share our national values: heightened civics exams, competence in English, no dual citizenship, and a demonstrated ability to improve America. That's the right way to do it.


Sept. 7




1. God is real. 

2. There are two genders. 

3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels. 

4. Reverse racism is racism. 

5. An open border is no border. 

6. Parents determine the education of their children. 

7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind. 

8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty. 

9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four. 

10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.


See also:

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