Saturday, April 06, 2024

Climate 107, Sea ice melt-grow cycle, storms strong-weak cycle, COP meetings

Yesterday I posted these two sets of charts in the viber group Oplas Perspectives.

So there is NO catastrophic ice melt that will swamp low-lying cities and countries, only natural cycle of ice melt-grow yearly, every single year for the past centuries and millions of years.

There is NO catastrophic increase in number of storms, nor storms getting stronger and more extreme. Then ALL the climate alarmism spending proposals by the UN and all multilaterals are fake and corrupt. ALL those subsidies and favoritism for wind solar "to save the planet" are fake. See how they want to fleece trillions of $ from taxpayers and the public worldwide.

And about the annual big UN climate meetings, the Conference of Parties (COP), in the climate meeting last Nov-Dec, 

"Some 85,000 participants attended COP28..."

That's from UN FCCC itself. Out of 85,000, possibly 5,000 from UAE itself, so 80,000 people from around the world flew on fossil fuels then lambast fossil fuels :-) And that's for the actual meeting, do  not include many preparation meetings per segment of the conference involving thousands of people meeting f2f. And that's for COP 28 only. 

"COP27 brought together more than 45,000 participants..."

Excluding preparation meetings for COP 27 alone. And COP 26, COP 25, etc.
Blame everyone else for high C02 emissions but never never themselves.

See also:
Climate 104, Global boiling, wow, September 04, 2023
Climate 105, On COP 28, $1 trillion loss-damage fund, ESG, November 30, 2023
Climate 106, Triple-dip La Nina and El Nino 2023-2024, March 07, 2024

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