Sunday, November 03, 2024

Climate 111, More oil consumption and declining frequency of storms

“Earth Day” was invented in April 1974 or 50 years and 7 months ago. It was invented to call for human attention vs “environmental damage” by oil and other fossil fuels, among other concerns.

In 1974, total world oil consumption was 55.3 million barrels per day (mbpd).

In 2007 when Al Gore and UN IPCC won the “Nobel Peace Prize” for their fight against “man-made” global warming and CC mainly caused by oil and fossil fuels, world oil use was 73.7 mbpd.

In 2023, it’s 100.2 mbpd. The world is not reducing oil demand despite all the climate scare mongering by the UN, Al Gore, Bloomberg, Greta, Obama, etc. The world keeps using more oil. And begging for more oil, and gas, and coal, and nuclear.

And yet the world is not plunging into horrible "unprecedented, unequivocal global warming," or "storms getting more frequent, getting stronger." An update from Dr. Ryan Made website tracking the number of storms worldwide from 1971 to Sept. 2024 shows a declining number of storms, both strong and average hurricanes.

The  latest data on El Nino-La Nina cycle also shows Nino region 3.4 going into La Niña with temperature anomaly or variation of -0.61 C as of last Monday, Oct. 28. A triple-dip La Nina in 2020-2022, global cooling. Then big and hot El Nino mid-2023-early 2024. And now it’s back to La Nina and there are rains and floods every week in many places in the PH alone.

The narrative “more oil, more fossil fuel consumption = more warming” (ie, more drought, more sea level rise,…) is not happening. Or "more fossil fuels = more storms, stronger storms" is not happening. The climate crusaders like Bloomberg been lying for decades. But they continue because… money. Trillions dollars money via carbon trading, subsidies to RE, etc. 

See this article by Mike Bloomberg himself:

The end of greenwashing is in sight
By Michael R. Bloomberg, May 30, 2024

"As a result, the market for carbon credits is much smaller — and far less productive — than it should be....
This is a market failure we can fix, and we should treat it like any other market failure....
A similar remedy is needed for carbon credits, because transparency does for markets what spinach does for Popeye. The story of Bloomberg is a testament to that..."

There. Mike Bloomberg himself is corrupt, advance climate scare mongering because his company will directly benefit via carbon market trading, among others. That is why practically all Bloomberg opinions and analysis on climate are on climate scare mongering. We should be scared of less rain and more rain, be scared of no flood and more flood, be scared of less cold and more cold, be scared of less dogs and more dogs. Whatever weather, whatever climate phase, we should be scared. And we should turn to the UN, and Bloomberg.

Trump ended US engagement with UN climate climate in 2017, all the woke minds including Bloomberg, their heads exploded. Walang raket pera pera under Trump. So Bloomberg people, from Mike himself down the line, must invent all scare mongering stories about Trump. Just make sure he does not go back to the white house and end climate climate racket, among others.

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