Dr. Romy Quijano belongs to Class ‘74 of the UP College of Medicine, one year ahead of me. He was a faculty member of the Department of Pharmacology of the UP College of Medicine while I was with the Department of Physiology in 1977.
Loss of Common Sense
in Covid-19: The Story of Ivermectin
Professor (Ret.),
College of Medicine
University of the
Philippines Manila
It is not only sense of smell that is lost in Covid-19 but also common sense. This is quite evident in the story of ivermectin. Most seriously affected by the loss of common sense are those in the government’s power structure of the country’s Covid-19 pandemic response, public health officials and “experts”, and the mainstream media. Common sense is perceiving things as they truly are and doing things as they should be. Common sense, however, is not just an instinctive decision resulting from sensual perception but also a rational conclusion as a result of logical reflection. It is the innate ability to perceive the truth behind the facade of common beliefs and managed information dished out by the ruling elite in a basically undemocratic society and servile citizens. Common beliefs or dogma can be manufactured but not common sense. Common sense is doing the right thing even in the face of common beliefs. Common sense is not the product of beliefs, tradition or submission but of careful observation, analysis and intuition. It is also not a product of attaining higher level of learning and education nor a result of climbing up the ladder of social class and structures of power. As Victor Hugo said: “Common sense is in spite of, not the result of, education.”
Government health officials and their “experts” say that ivermectin should not be used because there are no clinical trials that show that ivermectin is effective when used for patients with Covid-19. When confronted with the fact that there are in fact already clinical trials in several other countries that show the efficacy of ivermectin for Covid-19 prophylaxis and treatment, they modify their argument and say, yes there are, but they are insufficient, more clinical trials are needed. They also mislead people by saying that ivermectin is used only in animals. When confronted with the fact that ivermectin was first used for parasitic infections in humans, they say, yes, but the available ivermectin in the country is only for animals and therefore dangerous to use in humans. When confronted with the fact that ivermectin formulations have been registered previously and is listed in the national formulary of essential drugs, and has long history of safety as attested to by international bodies, they say, yes, but ivermectin is no longer registered for human use and there are serious adverse that can happen if used in humans. When informed that some doctors are already prescribing ivermectin to asymptomatic and mild to moderate cases of Covid-19, based on their own analysis of available studies and experience that the drug is safe and effective, they say, these doctors are violating the law. When informed further that the doctors prescribing ivermectin can save lives and is urgently needed by their patients since these patients are refused admission by hospitals and are told that they come only when symptoms become severe, they say, well, these doctors can apply for “compassionate use” and the ivermectin manufacturer or supplier can apply for “emergency use authorization”. When asked why can’t the government itself be proactive, be “compassionate” and make ivermectin available in this Covid-19 emergency situation where countless people are dying and ivermectin offers hope for desperate people, they hem and haw and avoid the question, repeating what they already said and invoking rules and regulations to be followed. They admonish people to have a little bit more patience since vaccines are already being rolled out, repeating the mantra that vaccines are the be-all and end-all that would solve the Covid-19 crisis.
Now, let’s go into a little bit more details and try to make sense out of this story. The health officials say there are insufficient clinical trials and together with various local medical societies, they issue a joint statement saying “We do not recommend the use of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. It has not been proven to significantly reduce mortality or improve other clinical outcomes.” citing a “systematic review of 6 randomized controlled trials (RCT’s) of good methodological quality” (1) without revealing that they receive quite a substantial amount of largesse from Big Pharma. They completely ignore the fact that an independent group called Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) analysed a much more extensive list of clinical trials (50 studies, 26 were randomised controlled trials). Of the 50 studies, 98% report positive effects and 76% show lower mortality. Of the 26 RCT’s, 96% report positive effects, with an estimated 66% improvement. FLCCC is a group of highly published, critical care physician-scholars and allied physicians from around the world.(2) This was corroborated by another independent review of 11 RCT’s whose results show 62% reduction of mortality.(3)
They say that ivermectin is used only for animals and it is
dangerous to use ivermectin for humans.
They seem to be ignorant of the fact that after about 3 decades of use in humans, ivermectin continues to provide a high margin of safety for a growing number of indications. Numerous studies report low rates of adverse events as an oral treatment for parasites. Even WHO have recommended have recommended mass administration of ivermectin for filariasis, saying it is safe and effective.(4) In fact, about 3.7 billion doses of ivermectin have been distributed in mass drug administration campaigns globally over the past 30 years.(5) In DR Congo, between the years 2003 and 2017, the total average population treated was around 15,552,588 with 55 deaths associated with ivermectin treatment.(6) Compare this to 4,095 deaths due to paracetamol in England and Wales during the same period.(7)
And why can’t the government itself be proactive and make ivermectin immediately available in this Covid-19 emergency situation where countless people are dying and ivermectin offers hope for desperate people? Well, they say there are laws and rules and regulations that need to be followed, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the government has already declared a state of emergency and the legal impediments can easily be overcome, as the centuries old legal maxim states that the welfare of the people shall be the supreme law, especially under a national state of emergency. They admonish people to have a little bit more patience since vaccines are already being rolled out, without revealing that the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines have been questioned by many credible independent scientists and are fraught with serious adverse effects including deaths. They turn a blind eye to the fact that 50,861 adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 2,249 deaths and 7,726 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 26, 2021 have been reported officially in the vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS) of the US.(8)
In their futile attempts to justify their irrational and anti-people behaviour, government health officials and their “experts” seem to forget that common sense is more important than technocratic directives, clinical trials, bureaucratic procedures, laws, rules and regulations. The Covid-19 spectre, vaccine mania, deceptive remedial schemes and brutal, anti-people pandemic responses created by militarism and big money have shoved by the wayside pro-people, more sensible and a wider range of prevention and treatment strategies to address the pandemic. For people with independent minds and awakened consciousness, it is a mere matter of common sense to recognize that most governments, international bodies, academic and science institutions, mainstream medical doctors and mainstream media are under the effective control of Big Pharma and the global moneyed elite.
1. Statement on the Use of Ivermectin As Treatment for
2. Ivermectin_FLCCC database
3. Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19
Infection: a SystematicReview and Meta-analysis
4. Monitoring-Assessment-Mass Administration
5. Ivermectin-Associated With Lower Mortality-Hospitalized Patients-Covid-19 https://journal.chestnet.org/action/showPdf?pii=S0012-3692%2820%2934898-4
6. Severe adverse effects following community-based ivermectin treatment-DR Congo https://bmcpharmacoltoxicol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40360-019-0327-5
7. Death from drug poisoning by paracetamol in England and Wales 1993-2019 https://www.statista.com/statistics/471227/death-by-paracetamol-drug-poisoning-in-england-and- wales/
8. CDC Data Show COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS
Surpasses 50,000 https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-vaccine-injuries-vaers-cdc/
See also:
Covid 27, Dr. Rafael Castillo on vaccine, Ivermectin, and lifting the lockdown, March 24, 2021
Covid 28, Drs. Villa and Landrito, Ms. Cuisia, on IVM and lockdown, April 01, 2021
Covid 29, CDC PH on WHO, Salvana attack of IVM, April 09, 2021.
Sir Nonoy, the most commonsensed post! :) the best Ive read to explain d Ivermectin Saga to revived the zoombiesm of the Anti Common Sense.Common sense is Ivermectin..simple yet packed with humanity.
Myrla here Sir Nonoy. Will be sharing this!!
The BEST piece of research, pls sent copies to Congresswoman Garin, to educate her.
Dear Prof. Quijano,
I am a former student of yours at the UPCM and now a faculty member of the same. I find it inappropriate that you should cite c19ivermectin.com as a reference. The website is utter garbage having no contact links or names responsible for its content. In its own FAQ link, it states: “Who is @CovidAnalysis? We are PhD researchers, scientists, people who hope to make a contribution, even if it is only very minor. You can find our research in journals like Science and Nature. For examples of why we can't be more specific search for "raoult death threats" or "simone gold fired". We have little interest in adding to our publication lists, being in the news, or being on TV (we have done all of these things before but feel there are more important things in life now).”
“We have little interest in adding to our publication list...” places a lot of doubt on the creators of the site. It can be written by any conspiracy theorist who wants zero accountability on the contents.
Another dubious citation is from researchsquare.com (3). It is a PREPRINT, not a published paper. From the site itself, posted at the upper right hand corner of the page, in red: “Preprints are preliminary reports that have not undergone peer review. They should not be considered conclusive, used to inform clinical practice, or referenced by the media as validated information.”
I want a solution as well to this COVID-19 pandemic, but I would rather look at validated, peer-reviewed, Level 1 evidence than the citations above.
Thank you. Please stay safe.
Dr. N.A. Meriales
Dear Prof. Quijano,
I am a former student of yours at the UPCM and now a faculty member of the same. I find it inappropriate that you should cite c19ivermectin.com as a reference. The website is utter garbage having no contact links or names responsible for its content. In its own FAQ link, it states: “Who is @CovidAnalysis? We are PhD researchers, scientists, people who hope to make a contribution, even if it is only very minor. You can find our research in journals like Science and Nature. For examples of why we can't be more specific search for "raoult death threats" or "simone gold fired". We have little interest in adding to our publication lists, being in the news, or being on TV (we have done all of these things before but feel there are more important things in life now).”
“We have little interest in adding to our publication list...” places a lot of doubt on the creators of the site. It can be written by any conspiracy theorist who wants zero accountability on the contents.
Another dubious citation is from researchsquare.com (3). It is a PREPRINT, not a published paper. From the site itself, posted at the upper right hand corner of the page, in red: “Preprints are preliminary reports that have not undergone peer review. They should not be considered conclusive, used to inform clinical practice, or referenced by the media as validated information.”
I want a solution as well to this COVID-19 pandemic, but I would rather look at validated, peer-reviewed, Level 1 evidence than the citations above.
Thank you. Please stay safe.
Dr. N.A. Meriales
Dear Prof. Quijano,
I am a former student of yours at the UPCM and now a faculty member of the same. I find it inappropriate that you should cite c19ivermectin.com as a reference. The website is utter garbage having no contact links or names responsible for its content. In its own FAQ link, it states: “Who is @CovidAnalysis? We are PhD researchers, scientists, people who hope to make a contribution, even if it is only very minor. You can find our research in journals like Science and Nature. For examples of why we can't be more specific search for "raoult death threats" or "simone gold fired". We have little interest in adding to our publication lists, being in the news, or being on TV (we have done all of these things before but feel there are more important things in life now).”
“We have little interest in adding to our publication list...” places a lot of doubt on the creators of the site. It can be written by any conspiracy theorist who wants zero accountability on the contents.
Another dubious citation is from researchsquare.com (3). It is a PREPRINT, not a published paper. From the site itself, posted at the upper right hand corner of the page, in red: “Preprints are preliminary reports that have not undergone peer review. They should not be considered conclusive, used to inform clinical practice, or referenced by the media as validated information.”
I want a solution as well to this COVID-19 pandemic, but I would rather look at validated, peer-reviewed, Level 1 evidence than the citations above.
Thank you. Please stay safe.
Dr. N.A. Meriales
I pray this message could get to the peeps who adamantly refuse, oppose the use of Ivermectin for prevention and early treatment of C19 to bring back theis loss of common sense. Thank you for this sir Nonoy
The irrational and unproven claims that these MDs are receiving financial gains from big pharma companies are unbecoming of a man of science. He is a person molded by the dictum "First do no Harm" a dictum tested through time from the Oath of Hippocrates.Regulations change through time for so many reasons. Clinical trials with good methodology and ethical considerstios are prime considerationfor CAT. Are there any studies done locally for Filipinos to claim that it is safe and sound?
"FIRST DO NOT HARM" Yet all antagonists to IVERMECTIN advocate to allow avoidable deaths for the sake of health issues! Please reconcile these diametrically opposing views. Pity the Philippines as we get hurtful commentaries that our country is the only one going into a different direction in its fight against Covid 19.i am not a doctor but I cannot help comment on the obvious...
Those trying to block the use of Ivermectin, does not lack common sense. We can surmise hey have vested interest in the the pharmaceutical industry that discourages or mislead others into avoiding its use; simply because it will adversely affect the market for vaccines; Ivermectine being cheaper and has shown effective result. Let us get real and tell those who oppose IVM use that they can not fool all people all the time.
Am an ordinary man on the street..just asking..Is Anti Parasitic Agent and Anti Viral were one and the same?...kindly cite their specific usage..thanks alot
In a world where the situation is normal and calm, your demand for "validated, peer-reviewed, Level 1 evidence" is very valid and reasonable.
But we're in a pandemic. We're in an emergency situation of great proportions and emergencies. Many lives are getting lost. Wait for all those reviews?
Iver is shown to work both ways
Go back to your common sense if you have any left.
If U catch COVID please let us know what medicine and remedy will u take... since all hospitals are full.
I hope u do not take ivermectin since you are so BIASED.
Wishing you more success and more power to your endeavors Dr. Quijano. You have indeed common sense.
I contracted COVID-19 last year. Not mild, but critical, requiring ICU confinement. I was intubated and mechanically ventilated. My doctors never used ivermectin in my treatment.
The biased people are those who advocate it without the supportive Level 1 medical evidence.
It is one thing to say, 'this drug works',
Another thing to say, 'this drug does not work',
And another thing to say 'I don't know.'
People and doctors claim they already know everything when in fact they don't.
Ultimately, the person is left with his 'common sense' whether to risk taking/giving a particular drug, especially if it's a choice between taking one or none at all.
Dr. Meriales... just because you got cured even if your doctors did not use ivermectin to treat you does not mean that ivermectin is not effective against covid-19. It does not follow; your logic is flawed.
If you wish to listen to highly-reputable global medical experts from the USA, UK, Belgium, Israel, and Belgium who swear by the high efficacy of Ivermectin in the fight against covid-19, based on "overwhelming research data worldwide" (their description) pls watch this video: https://youtu.be/ypxrJhSg5xU.
Are you accusing them of being biased people?
I doubt if any doctor in the country who is against ivermectin can hold a candle on the professional reputation and medical expertise of those doctors and their burning desire to save lives.
Thank you very much Dr. Quijano. My late parents who experienced WW2 (Japanese occupation of Manila) have shared many stories to us when we were young. During the war, they have nothing but stones in their pockets which they could use in case Japanese soldiers attack them. It was the only weapon available for them to at least fight back and survive. Common sense dictates that they should carry something even it will not save them against guns and bombs. Our current pandemic situation is the same...
Good. You got insurance, right? Many homes have been plundered by hospital bills.. and that includes our government and now, our CCPChina-dependent economy.Perhaps you and your peers can do something to help better than you think you already are doing well but not really?
I had covid 19 with a loss of sense of taste and smell, shortness of breath, incessant coughing, and dizziness. Felt very sick for almost 2 months. Stayed home. No meds except vitamin C and Zinc . Just keep hydrated and get rest. Stopped watching covid news and politics. I checked after 6 months still have the antibodies so I don't see any reason to get the experimental MRNA "vaccine". Resumed work as an RN. This pandemic nothing is guaranteed. No expert is better than another.All vaccines and treatment are experimental. Some will die but 98% or more will survive. That's common sense.
I had covid 19 with a loss of sense of taste and smell, shortness of breath, incessant coughing, and dizziness. Felt very sick for almost 2 months. Stayed home. No meds except vitamin C and Zinc . Just keep hydrated and get rest. Stop watching covid news and politics. I checked after 6 months still have the antibodies so I don't see any reason to get the experimental MRNA "vaccine". Resumed work as an RN. This pandemic nothing is guaranteed. No expert is better than another.All vaccines and treatment are experimental. Some will die but 98% or more will survive. That's common sense.
Could you please comment on the article below. Why is Remdesivir widely used here all over the Philippines. I am an ordinary citizen and I am confused by this, especially in light of the Ivermectin controversy. And why are vaccines provided emergency utilization permits? Can you please explain from a professional medical view to a layman. I will certainly appreciate it. Our Lord God protect and bless you. Thank you.
WHO recommends against the use of remdesivir in COVID-19 patients
20 November 2020
WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized patients, regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients.
This recommendation, released on 20 November, is part of a living guideline on clinical care for COVID-19. It was developed by an international guideline development group, which includes 28 clinical care experts, 4 patient-partners and one ethicist.
The guidelines were developed in collaboration with the non-profit Magic Evidence Ecosystem Foundation (MAGIC), which provided methodologic support. The guidelines are an innovation, matching scientific standards with the speed required to respond to an ongoing pandemic.
Work on this began on 15 October when the WHO Solidarity Trial published its interim results. Data reviewed by the panel included results from this trial, as well as 3 other randomized controlled trials. In all, data from over 7000 patients across the 4 trials were considered.
The evidence suggested no important effect on mortality, need for mechanical ventilation, time to clinical improvement, and other patient-important outcomes.
The guideline development group recognized that more research is needed, especially to provide higher certainty of evidence for specific groups of patients. They supported continued enrollment in trials evaluating remdesivir.
Updated 20 November 2020
* A conditional recommendation is issued when the evidence around the benefits and risks of an intervention are less certain. In this case, there is a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir. This means that there isn’t enough evidence to support its use.
Yeah..they cant fool everyone with whats obvious..they stumble on d simplest of matters.
.their 10 years studies of those thick books make their egos thicker..
and their Rockefeller academics is making everything complicated of what shud b simple..
GOD is shaming d wisdom of d learned by what they consider ordinary and weak.
They are not able to better the situations in d hospitals.they got more than a year already..and d tiktok some have d nerve to do if their really claiming to be generally overwhelmed..
.what theyre doing is clearly not working..yet here comes ivermectin..d common men are finding ways to help themselves.
Now these medical doctor villains are 1st ones to panic and oppose it with very obviously irrational criticism...panic over their finances
.d pandemic that fed them wd so much income..
.this ivermectin will be like young man David beating d giant wd a mere slingshot.The medical giants are gnarling and gnashing like demons fighting for relevance when theyre losing major relevance for being a failure.
For falling flat on their faces..well GOD is resisting d proud as my words of conclusion..pls Lord save them from their super egoes that have put those scales in their eyes.
Well, I certainly couldn’t conclude that ivermectin works based on my experience. Besides, that whole ordeal is a mere anecdote, sitting there at the bottom of the evidence pyramid. It was simply a reply to the person telling me not to use the drug if I catch the disease.
Instead of sending YouTube links, kindly send links to peer-reviewed articles on the matter. Thank you.
Let me make this clear: if there is overwhelming Level 1 evidence out there supporting the use of ivermectin for the treatment of Covid-19, I’d be the first to prescribe it.
Pro-ivermectin people are barking up the wrong tree. The enemy is NOT this imaginary Big Pharma that is blocking so-called miracle drugs. The enemy is NOT the FDA or the professionals who would rather wait for good validated evidence. The enemy IS the flawed response of the national government to this crisis. Expend your energies writing your mayors and congressmen and ask them to work for faster and more efficient procurement and distribution of vaccines. Don’t waste your time on this ivermectin advocacy. Leave it to the true investigators, not the armchair researchers. The clinical trials on ivermectin are ongoing. More data will pour in, and doubts will be settled. I know everyone is desperate for a solution, but the vaccines are the best possible hope. Existing Phase 3 data on the vaccines offer more promise than ivermectin.
Please keep safe.
Ever since around July 2020, there have been reports produced around the world by Drs of Medicine and others, successfully treating the so-called Wuhan Flu with a variety of methods and substances.
An experienced medical Dr. in Austin, Texas in the U.S. spoke about her experiences with (Covid) at a public rally. She was having trouble obtaining Hydroxychloroquine from her local pharmacist. She said she had also been treating her patients successfully with antibiotics.
The New York Times also ran an article about that time regarding a hospital where they were successfully using high doses of Vitamin C. Other successful treatments have included the use of high consumption of natural ginger and turmeric along with bed rest.
These are accepted normal methods of either stimulating the body’s immune system or assisting it in its job with the exception of antibiotics. What the action antibiotics have on a so-called viral “attack” is scientifically beyond me.
It was being proposed in June, 2020, last year by a prominent epidemiologist, Professor Knut Wittkowski, ex-Rockefeller University that, by that time, ‘herd immunity’ had ‘already’ been reached. Making this conversation truly dead in the water.
The evidence suggests that the Wuhan Flu phenomena is not a viral “attack” at all. That there are other causes of the symptoms associated with the so-called Wuhan Flu (Covid 19).
A vaccine at this stage of the game is too late. Either people have the immunity or they do not. This rush to vaccines is like trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Knowing that this observation would be made, the promoters of the “Virus/Vaccinate” lobby started urging that another new “strain of the virus” would be on its way. This took place in around December 2020. How did these promoters “know” this? What method of arcane divination were these Fauci led scientists using to postulate such a development in nature?
A number of scientifically salient points and questions can be made from observation of the past year.
• What the actual cause of the symptoms are.
• Why have no autopsies shown any signs of a so-called viral “attack” or the presence or traces of a cykostyne storm?
• How have “viral attacks” been successfully treated with so many inexpensive, previously easy to access remedies?
• Why has there been a concerted effort to prevent the ease of access to these substances, in particular Hydroxychloroquine?
• Why are ‘some’ Doctors and others suggesting these remedies are ineffective, in the case for instance of Ivermectin, when there is every proof that it is very effective?
• Finally why has all this been done over a ‘virus’ that until recently there has been no physical evidence or isolation of? If it actually has been isolated at all, which is disputed, what was the year previous to that isolation all about?
This last question seems to be the biggest question I can raise, because it engenders a question of simple logic.
Vaccinations have no role to play in providing herd immunity. In light of the now known dangers, the various Governments’ rush to promote the vaccine business is obscenely unscientific.
Many doctors have a wide range of methods for treating patients during what has all the hallmarks of a manufactured pandemic. This pandemic of hysteria seems to have been created purely for the sale of vaccines and the ensuing profits, not to mention the other despicable, declared aims of the proponents. Read Bill Gates on depopulation.
It would appear that the new “vaccines” being in reality RNA biotec drugs, should not actually be classed as vaccines at all. They are not designed to assist our immune system but to ‘replace’ it, which is stretching scientific opportunism to the point of insanity.
Vaccines will not profit the humanity concerned or our respective immune systems, but will show spectacular gains for the coffers of the salesmen, promoters and investors involved. Be careful of who one takes notice of and their motivations.
Dr. Marcus Hale ND.DO.CTM & Ac.
Dr. NAMeriales: Thank you so much for being on the dot, re: the government is the enemy in this pandemic. Incompetence and greed are the primary reason we are in this muck!
Ivermectin was introduced in 1981.[45] Half of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded jointly to Campbell and Ōmura for discovering avermectin, "the derivatives of which have radically lowered the incidence of river blindness and lymphatic filariasis, as well as showing efficacy against an expanding number of other parasitic diseases".[46]
The avermectin family of compounds was discovered by Satoshi Ōmura of Kitasato University and William Campbell of Merck. In 1970, Ōmura isolated unusual Streptomyces bacteria from the soil near a golf course along the south east coast of Honshu, Japan.[43] Ōmura sent the bacteria to William Campbell, who showed that the bacterial culture could cure mice infected with the roundworm Heligmosomoides polygyrus.[43] Campbell isolated the active compounds from the bacterial culture, naming them "avermectins" and the bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis for the compounds' ability to clear mice of worms (in Latin: a without, vermis worms).[43] Of the various avermectins, Campbell's group found the compound "avermectin B1" to be the most potent when taken orally.[43] They synthesized modified forms of avermectin B1 to improve its pharmaceutical properties, eventually choosing a mixture of at least 80% 22,23-dihydroavermectin B1a and up to 20% 22,23-dihydroavermectin B1b, a combination they called "ivermectin".[43][44]
this is a full analysis and they update it real-time as new studies get published. at the end of the page is the full list of references of the studies for your peace of mind.
ayaw mo po ba matapos ang crisis?
@NA Meriales, You use words such as "The website is utter garbage having no contact links". First of all professionals and scholars don't use "garbage" to discredit a reference or an article. They refute it point by point. The website c19ivermectin.com is endorsed by FLCCC, one of the most highly published and most peer reviewed (if not the most) scholars in the world, with Dr. Paul Marik among its contributors (top ranking scientist). Please don't use trash talk. We are not in the NBA. You should be greater than the one you are trashing talk with. Michael Jordan and Mohammad Ali used them, but they are greater than their opponents. What are your credentials? Are you more qualified than the FLCCC themselves? Second, you want peer reviewed material. You want a peer reviewed material in a Public health crisis. But since you brought this up, let me quote the WHO guidlines from their book page 33 and 34 of Guidance For Managing Ethical Issues
In Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Rapid data sharing: "As WHO has previously recognized, every researcher who engages in generation of information related to a public health emergency or acute public health event with the potential to progress
to an emergency has the fundamental moral obligation to share preliminary results once they are adequately quality controlled for release. Such information should be shared with public health officials, the study participants and affected population, and groups involved in wider international response efforts, WITHOUT WAITING FOR PUBLICATION IN SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS. We are happy for your recovery without the use of Ivermectin as you claim. But let others use repurposed medicines which are cheap, higly safe, highly efficacious and has changed the lives of so many.
Thank you Dr. Quijano. You have demolished the multilayered demolition job govt did against Ivermectin. Govt had thrown the books at this alternative yet it has not offered other solutions to the problem it had made more complex over time . I was hoping it would embrace this solution , help us all understand it better , promote it so we can access Ivermectin considering it( govt) had lost all the funds for the promised vaccines, but it did the opposite . At a fraction of the vaccine cost ,Ivermectin will help save millions of lives. At the very least IVM cost may even be considered as an insurance that when the final solution is at hand we are still alive.But IVM even appears to be a final solution vs Covid. God bless us all.
100 percent correct...
Recommended site:
At the box Select a Comparison, put in “Ivermectin vs standard care/placebo”
At the box Select an outcome, put in “Clinical improvement Day 28”
Then click Create Forest Plot
Any student of evidence-based medicine should be able to quickly interpret a forest plot
Thank you.
I would like to assume that Dr Quijano, like most doctors, understand the merits of clinical trials, and the value of evidence-based medicine.
It just saddens me, that some people, in their eagerness to show their vast knowledge on a subject matter, fail to recognize what is REALLY being said. They're so busy refuting Dr Quijano's statements in their head, that instead of showing their expertise, they are revealing a great weakness: their inability to listen carefully, to dig deeper, to go beyond the obvious.
That despite Dr Quijano's comprehensive and eloquent presentation of his narrative, some people just REALLY MISSED THE POINT.
They spew criticism of people in the medical world carelessly, when, if you really look closely, the people they are criticising have excellent credentials, extensive experience, and are regarded highly by the international medical community. Could it be, that precisely because of these, that some people resort to this lowly act called trash-talking? Hmmmm...something to mull about.
They also demand that people stop wasting their time on this Ivermectin advocacy, because the Big Pharmas are NOT the enemy, but our government leaders are (national and local). What i find interesting, is the ignorance of some, that do not understand that these same government officials are under the collar of the Big Pharmas (i know this for a fact, being a child of 2 high-positioned government officials). If that is so, and government is our enemy, and the government is leashed by the Big Pharmas, by law of relativity, aren't the Big Pharmas, in effect, our enemy too? Hmmm...another point to think about?
But most importantly, some people just go on and on AND ON about validated peer-reviewed, Level 1 evidence, that they fail to recognize that, that is precisely the point that Dr Quijano is making. That is the WHOLE essence of his article:
That yes, validated, peer-reviewed, Level 1 evidence is important (he says this in the first part of his article, not in the same words though), but DESPITE the lack of these, we can acknowledge the huge amount of evidence stacked in favor of this drug. And more importantly, there is tangible, consistent proof that IT WORKS, because of the experience of all these highly-regarded doctors who have treated thousands of Covid patients. In the medical world, you call this anecdotal, yes. But, in the medical world, is there a term for bottom line? Is bottom line as important in the medical world, as it is in the mortal world? Bottom line 1: With the use of Ivermectin, there are NO side effects. 40 years of use has proven this already. Bottom line 2: That everyone who was treated with Ivermectin (and it is a LARGE number) walked out of the hospitals, alive and well.
In short, Dr. Quijano was trying to point out that, in the face of mounting evidence of the effectivity of Ivermectin in this very urgent time, we can forego the long process of waiting for "validated, peer-reviewed, Level 1 evidence FOR NOW, and choose instead, to go back to the innate, intrinsic ability of humans to analyse tangible data, to process pros and cons, to discern right or wrong, to make a life-or-death decision, TO THINK OUT OF THE BOX.
The human race has been bombarded with red tape, protocol and such, that we have deemed common sense inferior to all those information attained through large-scale trials.
BRAVO, Dr Quijano! You have redeemed this valuable tool.
A concluding question: Could it be, that some people are shocked at the idea of using common sense (how dare you!), because they have forgotten they have it? Or maybe they don't have it at all?
There IS a bottom line, and many have missed or refused to see it: ivermectin is not useful for COVID-19, as far as the properly-designed papers show. There is NO mounting evidence for ivermectin.
I will not use a flyswatter to kill a rat. That is not common sense.
Thank you.
Just look at the website I’ve recommended above. If anyone finds anything questionable with it, message the creators. The contact email address is there. (Unfortunately, I couldn’t message the creators of the “garbage” website, because they chose anonymity and unaccountability.)
This is my last comment on this.
Thank you.
Pity those who have not seen that Ivermectin DOES work.
I've seen it work. For people who were infected. Not just one, but many.
I don't need properly-designed papers (here we go again).
I just need to open my eyes and look at the vast improvement in their demeanoor. I just need to open my ears to hear the sound of their unlabored breathing. I just need to feel the sense of doom lift from the room, and replaced with relief.
And all because they started taking Ivermectin.
No, you don't use a flyswatter to kill a rat. That's stupid.
You use poison to kill a rat.
You don't need well-designed papers for that. You just need, well, common sense. ��
About 99% of cases are mild or Asymptomatic. Would you lock down the Economy?
If 100% of cases are mild or ASYMPTOMATIC would you still have this discussion. Bias is on the side of the FEARMONGERS.
We can no longer trust foctors who do not believe in ivermectin. They trusted the riskier vacs that is being given to humanity as EUA but in reality, a global clinical studies around the world when ivermectin has been tried safe for human since the 70's. Now you're trusting vacs invented only in months? That's BS if you think you're a good doc. Hope you get the covid with your vacs in your coffin.
I enjoyed reading all of it. Dr.Quiajano: Awesome doctor! Seems your student didnt learn anything fr you��
After you look at all the scientific evidence and listen to all testimonies, where 's your science?
During a raging pandemic, when there are still no proven medicines that can cure or mitigate the illness, it makes sense to be open possible solutions and organize methodical use of such possible solutions. And monitor the results so one can add to the sum of all knowledge. That is where our goverment has failed totally.
They keep insisting on bullet-proof proof, overlooking the possibility of they themselves helping to check the efficacy of the drug. All talk, no useful action
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It will probably take a while for the news to sink in. My name is Janey cooker and i am from the United States, I remember spending so much money buying drugs from hospitals hoping that I will be cured from HERPES INFECTION, but all to no avail. I contacted so many doctors and they prescribe medicine for me which they indeed tried their best but was unable to provide for me a possible cure, luckily i saw a comment about a herbal doctor, (Oyama) am always forever grateful after using his herbal medicine i was cured if you are out there kindly reach him WhatsApp or email +2348108264684 droyamasolutiontemple@gmail.com
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