Friday, September 06, 2024

Climate 110, Cooling in Atlantic and Pacific Ocean simultaneously

Now there is record cooling in both Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Should qualify as global cooling and not just regional or continental cooling.

Huge patch of the Atlantic Ocean is cooling at a record speed - and scientists have no idea why
A patch of the central equatorial Atlantic began cooling at record rates in June
Scientists can't identify a good reason to explain this sudden temperature shift 
By WILIAM HUNTER 29 August 2024

The Atlantic Is Cooling at a Mysteriously Fast Rate After Record Warmth
The sudden shift in water temperature is puzzling scientists.
By Adam Kovac  August 20, 2024 

Part of the Atlantic is cooling at record speed and nobody knows why
After over a year of record-high global sea temperatures, the equatorial Atlantic is cooling off more quickly than ever recorded, which could impact weather around the world
By James Dinneen 19 August 2024

Something strange is happening in the Pacific and we must find out why
Unexpectedly, the eastern Pacific Ocean is cooling. If this “cold tongue” continues, it could reduce greenhouse gas warming by 30 per cent – but also bring megadrought to the US
By Madeleine Cuff  1 August 2023

‘Cold tongue’: what the Pacific Ocean cool patch mystery says about climate change

Meanwhile here is the latest data for Nino region 3.4 of the Pacific Ocean. Still in neutral phase, been lingering there since leaving the El Niño phase in early April this year. Notice the triple-dip La Niña from 2020-2022.

Here in Metro Manila and other parts of the country, after 4 nights and 4 days (started last Sunday night) of horrible dark clouds, downpour-showers, the rains have stopped since last night and today still cloudy, the Sun still not visible but the clouds are thinner or in the higher layer in the sky. 

Reminds us that every single year, PH and other tropical countries experience monsoon rains and cold season -- "Habagat" or southwest monsoon during July-Sept, and "Amihan" or northeast monsoon during Nov-Feb -- whether it's El Nino or neutral or La Nina phase. All about natural or "nature-made" climate/season cycle. Little or zero about "man-made" "unprecedented" warming/CC.

Now there are blame game in Congress, in public why govt did not prepare for heavy and prolonged rains. Just few months ago, March-June, there was also blame game why govt has not prepared for horrible El Nino, no rains and drought, severe "heat index", "unprecedented heat" etc.

Our public policies in economics, agriculture, infra, etc. should recognize natural or nature-made CC, warming-cooling endless cycle. The global warming drama is overstretched, so people are less prepared for global cooling, short- or long-term.

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