Thursday, August 05, 2021

Agri Econ 35, High prices of poultry, beef, hogs, palm oil, canola, oat

Global food inflation continues especially for these six commodities. First 3 charts are poultry, beef and lean hogs, last 10 years until today.

Then palm oil, canola (cooking oils) and oat, also last 10 years until today.

Not good to have this trend. Food prices should be stable or moderately rising, not steeply rising. High energy prices especially oil -- for tractors, harvesters, threshers, trucking, shipping, etc -- should be among the contributing factors. That is why energy prices should be stable too via continued supply expansion as demand expands.

See also:
Agri Econ 32, High global prices of corn, soybeans and wheat, January 27, 2021 
Agri Econ 33, High poultry, beef, corn prices, March 03, 2021 
Agri Econ 34, High corn demand to feed animals and cars, May 04, 2021.

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