Tuesday, March 19, 2024

On charter change, make the Constitution short

About charter change, I think we should have a short constitution, maximum 25 pages from the current 91 pages. Mostly general principles, no details, like minimum age for those running for Senator, Congress; foreign equity limit, etc. All details should be done by legislation, by Congress.

The purpose of the Constitution especially the Bill of Rights is to protect the people from government. Executive and Legislative branches especially. Thus, the Bill of Rights explicitly state what areas that Congress can NOT legislate, Executive can NOT issue executive orders, adminstrative orders, etc.

The longer the constitution, the more details in the constitution, the more divisive it is for the people.

There are a number of details in the charter. Examples:

Article VI, The Legislative Department

SECTION 3. No person shall be a Senator unless... at least thirty-five years of age... 

SECTION 6. No person shall be a Member of the House of Representatives unless... at least twenty-five years of age...

SECTION 7. The Members of the House of Representatives shall be elected for a term of three years...

Age limit, terms of office, etc. are details that should not be in the Constitution. The 60-40 limit in domestic-foreign equity in investment in certain sectors of the economy should not be there. If these details are not in the constitution, there would have been less divisiveness in society. 

Most if not all legislation tend to subjugate the people or groups of people. Like a tax hike for sector A but not in sector B, subsidies for sector C but not for sector D, and so on.

A new constitution should instead focus on the Bill of Rights, expand it, protect people from government. For instance,

Article III, Bill of Rights.
Section 1. 

This section should be expanded.

Right to life includes freedom from state-enforced mandatory vaccination and inoculation (otherwise a person cannot go to school, office, mall, ride public transpo, etc).

Right to liberty includes freedom of movement, no prolonged lockdown and horrible mobility restrictions. During the lockdown dictatorship of 2020, even going to the next municipality requires a travel pass. This was relaxed a bit in 2021 but mobility restrictions persisted until about end of the year. Restrictions were relaxed because the national and local elections May 2022 was approaching and politicians, their staff and supporters were moving a lot.

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