Friday, September 09, 2022

Free Trade 71, Anti-Illicit Trade Conf in Manila, invstment liberalization in agri

There will be a big international conference on Anti-Illicit Trade (AIT) in Manila this coming October 13 organized by The Economist with the following speakers. Should be interesting.

I was invited and I already registered, here,

And I just saw this, an AIT Institute (AITI) at George Mason University (GMU) in the US, I've visited GMU Fairfax, Virginia, US campus in 2004.

Meanwhile, a good call by the Foundation for Economic Freedom (FEF) to have investment liberalization in rice and corn.

‘Government should allow full foreign ownership in rice, corn sectors’
Louella Desiderio September 8, 2022

When there is investment liberalization, quickly following usually is trade liberalization. The foreign investors would want to bring in modern technology and machines and raise productivity, and bring the surplus products or harvests abroad as merchandise exports. 

We should liberalize all. Agriculture, mining, energy, education, healthcare, housing, alcohol, tobacco, vapes, pharma, etc. The only thing we should unliberalize and further bureaucratize are stealing, killing, abduction, corruption, etc.

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