Steve sent me a "For Review Only" copy of his book last February. I was amazed at how clear the author has presented the various topics, from science to engineering to economics and politics of climate issues. I thought that Steve was a scientist, but turned out that he's an (American) engineer-businessman who got tired of all the alarmism and lies that were spreading around. He enclosed himself for several months, read the various books, papers he accummulated, plus various online research, and came up with his book.

The book is thick, 466 pages including Index. Here is the general outline of the book:
PART 1: Global Warming Alarmism Debunked
Chap. 1, A Tsunami for Global Warming Alarmism
Chap. 2, The Thin Science for Man-Made Global Warming
Chap. 3, Carbon Dioxide: Not Guilty
Chap. 4, Climate Change is Continuous
Chap. 5, The Sun is Our Climate Driver
Chap. 6, Global Warming Disasters Debunked
PART II: Climatism and "Snake Oil" Remedies
Chap. 7, The IPCC and the Road to World Delusion
Chap. 8, Climatism: The Ideology Behind Global Warming Alarmism
Chap. 9, The Beliefs, Objectives and Tactics of Climatism
Chap. 10, The Science is Not Settled
Chap. 11, Snake Oil Remedies to "Save the Planet"
PART III. Renewable Energy "Solutions"
Chap. 12, Energy: The Lifeblood of Prosperity
Chap. 13, Renewable Energy: Reality Far Short of Promises
Chap. 14, Chains for the Developing Nations
Chap. 15, Climatism in Action: Debacles Around the World
Chap. 16, Energy Nonsense for the Good Old USA
Chap. 17, Common Sense and the Future

If there was no human industry to emit carbon back in history, how did the atmospheric CO2 increase? The answer is that the CO2 increases are from natural causes, primarily out-gassing from the oceans.
And note the cycle in global temperature -- warming, cooling, warming, cooling. Just another proof that climate cycles happen, that "unprecedented warming" is a joke.

The two minima coincided or represented the LIA. Where there was a period of weak and few sunspots, that was also the period of global cooling. And where there was a period of strong and plentiful sunspots, that was the period of global warming.

Climatism barks at heavy energy use by modern societies, especially electricity coming from "dirty and non-renewable" sources like coal, natural gas and other hydro-carbon sources. For many climate alarmists, they would rather see more darkness and underdevelopment if a modernizing economy cannot source its electricity from "clean" but expensive, taxpayers-subsidized renewables.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) campaigners of their annual "Earth Hour" should be jumping with joy if they were in continental Africa and North Korea. Why? Houses and offices there do not turn off their lights for one hour per year only. Instead, they turn off their lights many hours per night for 365 nights a year. Less electricity from non-renewables, less carbon emission, less "man-made global warming", more joys for their climate religion.
The book is a powerful tool to understand the many natural factors that Al Gore, the various bodies of the UN like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the UN Environmental Program (UNEP), have deliberately ignored.
Many people thought that the IPCC is a scientific body. No, it is not. It is a political, government body, that is why it is called "Intergovernmental Panel". The officials of IPCC are non-scientists but appointed bureaucrats. The IPCC head, for instance, Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, is an economist from India.
To see the contents of the book more, check http://www.climatism.net/
Steve just emailed me this week saying that he has just accepted the post as Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America.
Congrats Steve! It's a well-deserved position and there are lots of work and challenges that a serious researcher and public intellectual like you can take on.
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