AS far as what I am reading here, no one is blaming the "euro" for their problems. So this is where you won't find a Spanish economist siding with your rival Paul Krugman, so that should be good for you. It was because Spanish construction and real estate experienced a boom which in great part was also speculative money. Then in one moment, a lot of Spaniards suddenly became poorer as their properties suddenly devalued.

Then Ed asked if I really advocate zero government intervention in our lives. As I posted a few times in this blog, I do not advocate absolute zero govt intervention. Most libertarians and free market advocates don't advocate it also. If a capitalist will not pay his workers their salaries, government should come in to penalize the former. Because it constitutes robbery, the capitalist is depriving the workers of what is rightfully their dues.

Ed also asked, "About your theory on government intervention, are there a lot of those advocating that government should intervene in these business decisions?"

Ed added, "Wait, there is a point to having regulations too. If it is completely unfettered, you never know what kind of scam some unscrupulous people would be trying to pull on the public. What is needed is fair and honest application of these rules, of course."
Well, let them put up a scam, so long as they know the hard consequences if they do so. It's fear of the consequences, fear of the law, that will act as a self-regulating mechanism. No need for prior investigations and regulations, or keep those prior investigations to the barest minimum.
My banker friend told me a few years ago that in Hong Kong, if you register a business, the government there will say, "Submit these papers completely today, and start your busness tomorrow!" No inspections. But if someone complains about your business and it is proven that you violated certain laws, that's where your headaches will start. The government will come hard on you. And it puts fear on would-be scammers.
I don't know if this practice or policy is still being pursued up to now. But it makes a lot of sense. It encourages entrepreneurship and job creation.
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