While those climate bureaucrats are talking about "unequivocal warming" and "soon vanishing polar ice and rising ocean", nature is showing how wrong they are.
As of July 29, the other day, global sea surface temperature (SST) as measured on NASA's aqua satellite, is falling deep and steep, much steeper than the 2008 global cooling and La Nina, especially for Nino 3.4 region of eastern Pacific.

source: http://www.drroyspencer.com/
Another way of looking at the changes in global climateis to see the SST anomaly or "deviation from the average".
Here, the blue color signifying SST anomaly (or colder than normal) of -1 to -2.5 C, even colder, is very clear in the southern hemisphere and south America. Date as of July 29, 2010 too.

source: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/07/30/frozen-tropics-as-la-nina-takes-hold/#more-22764
The climate negotiators or bureaucrats are meeting every two months, it seems. Last 2 meetings in April and June this year. Another meeting in August in Bonn, Germany. These are all preparatory meetings for the big global climate conference in Cancun. This is how big they are in Copenhagen last December.

source: http://unfccc.int/meetings/items/2654.php
Wildfires are scorching a portion of California and other parts of the US at this time. Lots of houses got burned, but dead and burned people is low, if any. In South America though, the cold snap has already killed 400+ people this month in Peru and Argentina alone.
(source: http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/07/26/cold-weather-proves-killer-in-parts-of-south-america/)
When bitter cold and severe winter or prolonged global cooling strikes, people would wish and pray that "man-made warming" is correct and real. For now, it remains a fiction that thousands of climate bureaucrats and carbon traders rake in multi-billion dollars racket every year.
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