Upon seeing Tom Palmer's credentials, Alvin contacted another department in UST and a student organization to help co-sponsor Tom's talk. The Social Sciences Department, SRC and the Artlets Economics Society jointly sponsored the event, in coordination with Minimal Government Thinkers, Inc.

The venue was big, some 200+ students of Economics, Political Science and Philosophy came. Tom's presentation was entitled "Liberty, limited government and the rule of law in the wake of the global economic crisis," downloadable at www.minimalgovernment.net. The reactors were Dr. Ernesto Gonzales of Economics Department, Dr. Robert Montana of Philosophy Department, and Prof. Zenia Rodriguez of Political Science Department.
A number of students asked both practical and theoretical questions. Great young minds at UST!
Below, Alvin gave the certificate of appreciation to Tom. Looking on was Dr. EJ Lopez, also a faculty member at the Economics Department.

Hats off to Alvin's leadership, other faculty members' support and UST students' intelligent participation.
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