Thursday, April 14, 2011

Filipino free market blogs, part 3

Now the tide is slowly moving towards the free market, individual liberty movement in the Philippines!

Why do I say so?
Less than two weeks ago, only 4 out of around 13 free marketer Filipino bloggers that I know of, have global rank in Meaning the other 9 blogs have "No data" for their 3-month global ranking.

Today, 8 have global ranks already. Blog numbers 5 to 8 below just jumped from "No data", meaning they could be somewhere in the 30 million+ global rank, up to 14 million + in last 30 days global ranking. Aren't those huge jumps? Which means that more and more people around the world are reading the ideas of Filipino free market intellectuals.

The #1 free market blog in this country is no longer this blog, but Prudent Investor Newsletters. The owner of that blog, Benson Te, is a friend and I am very happy for the huge jump in his global viewership. Benson is the most prolific writer among us, he posts about 3 articles a day on average including weekends. Me, I can write only 1 to 2 articles per day on average. Benson is a specialist on finance, commodities and other economic topics.

Well, I personally know and have met all the owners of the 13 blogs here, except Aristogeek. The philosophical leanings of the guys here range from the miniarchists (small, limited government) like me, to the anarchists (zero government, only purely voluntary and private organizations and enterprises) to the objectivists (Ayn Rand followers) and the relatively populists (toying with government intervention sometimes).

Ok, here's the list. The sentences in italics are alexa's assessment of where the bulk of their readers are coming from.

1. Prudent Investor Newsletters,

1 month 1,009,957
3 month 1,287,941 has attained a traffic rank of 365,433 among users in the US, where we estimate that 50% of its audience is located.

2. Government and Taxes,

1 month 1,469,091
3 month 2,091,554
We estimate that 46% of the site's visitors are in the US, where it has attained a traffic rank of 545,578.

3. The Vincenton Post,

1 month 2,630,963
3 month 2,322,103

4. Colorful Rag,

1 month 2,907,062 -
3 month 5,727,885
Roughly 45% of visitors to the site come from the Philippines, where it has attained a traffic rank of 71,230.

5. Perpetual Cycle of Life,

1 month 14,838,574
3 month 27,051,180

6. Laissez Faire Filipino,

1 month 14,839,428
3 month 27,052,216

7. HarryLeaks,
1 month 14,840,124
3 month 27,053,050

8, This is Joshua Speaking,
1 month - -
3 month 23,236,729

Other Filipino free market blogs but have no alexa global traffic ranks yet:

9. Acts of the New Commonwealth,

10. Aristogeek,

11. A Second Look at Everything,

12. Elevic Pernis - The Road to Weirdom,

13. Foundation for Economic Freedom,

Here are the earlier global ranking:
Part 1, March 28, 2011
Part 2, April 6, 2011

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news! Thanks for the info!