Below is my article yesterday. Ponder the inconvenient truths in high electricity rates in this country while many planet saviours want us to pay even higher electricity bills just to pursue their ecological and political agenda.
There is an on-going UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN FCCC) global meeting in Durban, South Africa, from November 28 to December 9, to ask governments around the world to have a post-Kyoto Protocol agreement which will expire by end-2012. Their goal is to "limit man-made global warming" via global ecological central planning.
This global plan includes, among others: (a) move away from hydro-carbon based power to renewable power, so we should get wind and solar power technologies from the west and other countries, (b) we should swallow more carbon taxes and various environmental fees, (c) pay more subsidies to solar and wind farms, (d) have more climate bureaucracies, (e) have more UN global climate meetings, (f) have more climate and energy loans with the WB and ADB,
The Philippines now has the most expensive industrial power rates in the whole of Asia, more expensive than power rates in Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, S. Korea and and other expensive countries in the continent. See the data here (thanks to Dr. Josef Yap of PIDS for sharing this data with me).
The Philippines now has the most expensive industrial power rates in the whole of Asia, more expensive than power rates in Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, S. Korea and and other expensive countries in the continent. See the data here (thanks to Dr. Josef Yap of PIDS for sharing this data with me).
And we have the Renewable Energy (RE) law that mandates certain schemes like the feed-in-tariff (FIT) to make already expensive power rates here become even more expensive. Estimates of projected FIT is something like P9 to P10 billion per year (about US$209 M a year) of FIT subsidies to RE power plants for the next 20 years This will be another big money transfer from the public to the super rich.
And this is one reason why many big corporations and banks are riding this climate racket because they will receive big amount of tax money and energy subsidies as energy consumers will endure higher electricity bills.
Unfortunately for this movement, it is suffering downhill in credibility. The world is experiencing more global cooling, not warming. More heavy rains and flooding, not more drought; more brutal winter, not less snow, have been the experience for many countries in all continents in recent years. See three graphs here.
Latest SST anomaly for Pacific Ocean Nino region 3.4, as of November 27, 2011 (this data is updated weekly), data from Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology. This colder than normal sea surface temperature in the world’s biggest ocean has been with us for one and a half years now (since May 2010) and the trend is towards even colder than normal temperature.
And this is one reason why many big corporations and banks are riding this climate racket because they will receive big amount of tax money and energy subsidies as energy consumers will endure higher electricity bills.
Unfortunately for this movement, it is suffering downhill in credibility. The world is experiencing more global cooling, not warming. More heavy rains and flooding, not more drought; more brutal winter, not less snow, have been the experience for many countries in all continents in recent years. See three graphs here.
Latest SST anomaly for Pacific Ocean Nino region 3.4, as of November 27, 2011 (this data is updated weekly), data from Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology. This colder than normal sea surface temperature in the world’s biggest ocean has been with us for one and a half years now (since May 2010) and the trend is towards even colder than normal temperature.
Here’s the consensus forecast for the next few months for Nino 3.4 region. Data from WUWT’s ENSO Page.
The re-emerging La Nina is projected to extend possibly by another year, or even longer, making the 2010-2012 global cooling worse and longer than the 2007-2008 global cooling. Based on the IPCC-Al Gore causality and projections of “more CO2 emission = more warming”, this should not be happening.
Another graph showing global data for sea + land surface temperature anomaly, from Hadley-CRU data. The trend over the past 10 years is downward, or at least flat, but never rising. Again, a repudiation of “more CO2, more warming” proposition.
Another graph showing global data for sea + land surface temperature anomaly, from Hadley-CRU data. The trend over the past 10 years is downward, or at least flat, but never rising. Again, a repudiation of “more CO2, more warming” proposition.
If we are to pay even higher energy prices, we pay even more environmental taxes and fees, because of this highly questionable “science” from the UN IPCC, Al Gore, World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace and other big warming network, we are fooled and plundered. The climate racket insistence that "more cooling and more rains are proof of global warming” is simply wrong and idiotic.
On March 15, 2009, I wrote this:
US Carbon and Energy Restrictions

(Coal power plant picture from
As of 2008, the US’ power sources were (in percent):
1. Coal, 59
2. Nuclear, 17
3. Natural gas, 13
4. Hydropower, 10
1. Other, 1.
Its heavy reliance on those base-load plants (coal, nuclear and natural gas) means it is not easy to drastically restrict those “dirty” and “non-renewable” energy sources and move to “clean and renewable” energy sources like wind, solar. Doing so will mean drastic reduction in power supply (brown-outs) and/or drastic rise in energy prices.
But with the current moves by the US administration to cut CO2 emissions to “fight” global warming, restrictions on current production and future construction of coal power plants will naturally result in the above scenario.
A number of coal companies are “standing still” despite increasing demand for energy (Alliant Energy in Iowa, NV Energy in Nevada, Peabody Energy in Kentucky, etc.) as “clean coal” technology to bury CO2 emissions won’t be available for a decade or more. Less coal means more natural gas which is subject to big price swings and ultimately, higher price as demand will suddenly shoot up. Regulations for nuclear energy is also very strict, nuke power plant builders make about 15 years allowance for construction and getting the necessary permits. And there is danger that after 15 years, the permit may not even come with the on-going emissions cut, cap-and-trade legislative moves.
Aside from current policies of over-spend, over-borrow and over-tax in the future, current restrictions in carbon emission and energy over-regulation will put the US in a less competitive position in the future.
This should be a signal for other economies (China, Japan, India, Europe, other emerging economies) to prepare themselves for out-migration of many big companies and rich people of America, but only if they will avoid – and offer the reverse – of those two pitfalls of the current US government.
And on April 17, 2009, I also wrote this:
Cold Front vs. Hot Politics of April

It’s now the 3rd week of April and the Philippine’s weather bureau, PAGASA (, says the country is still at the “tail-end of a cold front affecting Northern Luzon”. This advisory has been there for the past 4 weeks or more.
This month is also billed as “International Earth Month Celebration”, where there will be an “Earth Day Celebration” on April 22, next week. This is almost one month after the international “Earth Hour” reminder and festivities to “send a symbolic message to leaders for immediate and united action on climate change.” The Department of Energy ( still banners the festivities of the Earth Hour in its website until now.
Obviously, the politics to push for more environmental regulations remains high, especially in the summer months of March-April where hot and cloudless skies are supposed to be the norm. But the prolonged cold front brought lots of cold wind, lots of clouds and scaterred rainshowers, and temperatures that are 2 to 3 degrees Celsius lower than normal.
Outside the Philippines, neighboring Asian cities near the equator – Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh, Pnom Penh, Yangon, Brunei – have maximum temperatures of only 31 to 33 Celsius today. Only Manila (35 Celsius) and Bangkok (36 Celsius) have high noontime temperatures ( In previous years, Manila would have 36 to 37 Celsius at this time of the year. In the US, heavy rains if not snow storms still hit some states until now.
There is indeed big discrepancy and contradiction between cold front and global cooling reality and the politics and public perception of “continuing global warming”. The numbers simply do not support the latter.
See also Climate stupidity 21: Global Cooling and Durban, November 08, 2011.
On March 15, 2009, I wrote this:
US Carbon and Energy Restrictions

(Coal power plant picture from
As of 2008, the US’ power sources were (in percent):
1. Coal, 59
2. Nuclear, 17
3. Natural gas, 13
4. Hydropower, 10
1. Other, 1.
Its heavy reliance on those base-load plants (coal, nuclear and natural gas) means it is not easy to drastically restrict those “dirty” and “non-renewable” energy sources and move to “clean and renewable” energy sources like wind, solar. Doing so will mean drastic reduction in power supply (brown-outs) and/or drastic rise in energy prices.
But with the current moves by the US administration to cut CO2 emissions to “fight” global warming, restrictions on current production and future construction of coal power plants will naturally result in the above scenario.
A number of coal companies are “standing still” despite increasing demand for energy (Alliant Energy in Iowa, NV Energy in Nevada, Peabody Energy in Kentucky, etc.) as “clean coal” technology to bury CO2 emissions won’t be available for a decade or more. Less coal means more natural gas which is subject to big price swings and ultimately, higher price as demand will suddenly shoot up. Regulations for nuclear energy is also very strict, nuke power plant builders make about 15 years allowance for construction and getting the necessary permits. And there is danger that after 15 years, the permit may not even come with the on-going emissions cut, cap-and-trade legislative moves.
Aside from current policies of over-spend, over-borrow and over-tax in the future, current restrictions in carbon emission and energy over-regulation will put the US in a less competitive position in the future.
This should be a signal for other economies (China, Japan, India, Europe, other emerging economies) to prepare themselves for out-migration of many big companies and rich people of America, but only if they will avoid – and offer the reverse – of those two pitfalls of the current US government.
And on April 17, 2009, I also wrote this:
Cold Front vs. Hot Politics of April

It’s now the 3rd week of April and the Philippine’s weather bureau, PAGASA (, says the country is still at the “tail-end of a cold front affecting Northern Luzon”. This advisory has been there for the past 4 weeks or more.
This month is also billed as “International Earth Month Celebration”, where there will be an “Earth Day Celebration” on April 22, next week. This is almost one month after the international “Earth Hour” reminder and festivities to “send a symbolic message to leaders for immediate and united action on climate change.” The Department of Energy ( still banners the festivities of the Earth Hour in its website until now.
Obviously, the politics to push for more environmental regulations remains high, especially in the summer months of March-April where hot and cloudless skies are supposed to be the norm. But the prolonged cold front brought lots of cold wind, lots of clouds and scaterred rainshowers, and temperatures that are 2 to 3 degrees Celsius lower than normal.
Outside the Philippines, neighboring Asian cities near the equator – Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh, Pnom Penh, Yangon, Brunei – have maximum temperatures of only 31 to 33 Celsius today. Only Manila (35 Celsius) and Bangkok (36 Celsius) have high noontime temperatures ( In previous years, Manila would have 36 to 37 Celsius at this time of the year. In the US, heavy rains if not snow storms still hit some states until now.
There is indeed big discrepancy and contradiction between cold front and global cooling reality and the politics and public perception of “continuing global warming”. The numbers simply do not support the latter.
See also Climate stupidity 21: Global Cooling and Durban, November 08, 2011.
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