Irresponsible governments behave similarly like irresponsible individuals. They spend and spend, borrow and borrow. But unlike individeuals though, governments have huge coercive powers, especially the power of taxation. Thus, governments have endless source of regular revenues even if some of them are among the most corrupt governments in the world.
But irresponsible governments also irritate their citizens. Coercion and plenty of taxation begets dissatisfaction. The dissatisfied people wish that their governments would cut spending to reduce the ever-rising public debt, which affects the citizens in the form of rising interest payment and lower budget for productive programs like maintaining peace and order in society.
In a BBC-sposored survey of 22,000+ people from 22 countries, from June to September 2010, respondents were asked what kind of policy measures governments should do to reduce their budget deficit and public debt.

The welfare system looks cute and attractive. But the taxes, fees and borrowings to maintain the system is not cute and not attractive to many citizens. Hence, that result.
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