This joke after Manny Pacquiao's victory over Margarito was shared to us by a fellow UP alumni, LAR. It is said to have been a "viral" posting in facebook.
Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao will build a university in his province. He will name it Pacman University, also known as Pac U. The students will soon be known as Pacquers and the school administrator will be Mommy Dionesia, Mother Pacquer for short.

Many Filipinos are notorious for inventing funny jokes, like the above. Here are additions, invented by LAR himself:
1) Academy of Social Sciences at Pacman U. — ASS PAC U
2) Pacman U's new Mechanical Engineering — PAC U n ME
3) Pacman ALumni Liason Office at the University -- PAC ALL Of U

Name game jokes: Dialogue between Manny and wife Jinky:
Jinky: Manny, for our next child, what would be a good name?
Manny: Let's combine our name: MANKY! hehehe.
Mommy Dionesia enters:
Manny, can you also include my name to your new child's name?
Manny: Sure Mama. Have a name?
Mommy Dionesia: I got a good name... DIOMANJI! (Dionesia-Manny-Jinky)

Mexicans' disappointment: The Mexicans have ran out of top boxer bets to topple Pacquiao from the ring. They've sent all their best boxers to knock down Pacquiao, but they all lost. So Mexicans will send their last bet -- Zorro.

Finally, the Gayweather dillemma: should he run or should he quit boxing? Ahh, Gayweater, the appropriate name for that boxer :-)
If government bureaucrats and politicians can also have good sense of humor, at least they can pacify disappointed taxpayers.
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