Overseas employment, do the positives outweigh the
A friend asked that question in facebook and my quick answer is Yes.
The positives outweigh the negatives. Overseas employment is a voluntary and
private contract between the foreign employers and Filipino employees. People
have the option to stay home and look for jobs here, but they opted to go
outside because the perceived benefits are larger than the costs. If our
constitution, economic and bureaucratic policies are friendly to foreign
investments and entrepreneurship in general, many of those foreign employers would
have been here, employing Filipinos in the Philippines, not abroad, and
subjected to Philippine laws.
The World Bank released its Migration and Development Brief 21 dated October 02, 2013, a 29-pages long paper. I am posting some figures from that paper here.
Going back to Econ 11 (elementary econ) or Econ 102 (micro econ), when some workers leave and work abroad, the domestic labor supply curve shifts to the left and if domestic labor demand remains the same, that raises the equilibrium wage rate, say from P300 to P350. The local job seekers will have fewer competition from other Filipino job seekers as they go abroad. It should be considered as a plus to society.
Then many of those OFWs are not exactly a "brain drain". After their contract ends, or renewed contract ends, many of them come back, often not as ordinary workers but as micro or small entrepreneurs having their own jeepney or taxi or sari sari store, or rice thresher machine in the barrios. They then create local jobs aside from hiring themselves. There are many other plus for people who work abroad. If we have to demonize anything or anyone, it is the protectionist Constitution, the tax-hungry government and the various business bureaucracies. Those foreigners abroad may consider put up their company here and hire Filipinos here but they don't, so Filipinos seek work abroad.

In the factor price equilibrium (FPE) theorem, when factors of production (capital, labor, technology) are freely mobile worldwide, over the long term, factor prices (interest rates, wages, tech costs and patent, etc.) will tend to equalize. Not worldwide immediately, but at least over a region.
A friend noted that there is "7 percent unemployment
and roughly 21 percent underemployment happening side-by-side with growth in
OFWs and their remittances over the years, and almost 30 percent poverty
Precisely that the job creation capacity of the local economy is limited, that overseas employment helps reduce more unemployment and underemployment here. Many countries abroad are labor deficient, they need migrant workers like Filipinos. Labor demand meets labor supply in a voluntary contract, and that is how the OFWs phenomenon continues, not because of any government policy to promote or discourage it. The role of the government via POEA, OWWA other agencies, is mainly to collect more fees from Filipinos before they fly out. so be it.
Precisely that the job creation capacity of the local economy is limited, that overseas employment helps reduce more unemployment and underemployment here. Many countries abroad are labor deficient, they need migrant workers like Filipinos. Labor demand meets labor supply in a voluntary contract, and that is how the OFWs phenomenon continues, not because of any government policy to promote or discourage it. The role of the government via POEA, OWWA other agencies, is mainly to collect more fees from Filipinos before they fly out. so be it.
A friend says he has high respect for the officials of
the 3 institutions I mentioned above. No problem with that, but leadership and
institutions are two different things. You put angels to a government office
that says, "You cannot start a barber shop, you cannot cut anyone's hair
unless you produce these documents and permits 1... 20. No bribes or shortcuts
will be allowed whatsoever." And that's one way to transform angels into
See also:
Migration and Freedom 14: Shrink or Abolish the POEA, January 01, 2012
Migration and Freedom 15: Visa Free for Filipinos, January 02, 2012
Migration and Freedom 16: Mobility and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem, February 03, 2012
Migration and Freedom 17: US Taxing Nationals Abroad, May 16, 2012
Migration and Freedom 18: Getting a Philippine Passport, July 18, 2012
Migration and Freedom 19: PH Immigration Bureaucracy, September 08, 2012
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